Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity by Sir Ken Robinson hits close to home for me because I have a daughter about to start school. I think that Sir Robinson has a lot of good points about children and creativity.

He begins by stressing the importance of creativity. He thinks it is as important as literacy and should be treated that way. I agree I want my daughter to learn to read and write, but I also want her to be creative with everything she does and think outside the box. Sir Robinson believes to be creative you cannot be afraid of being wrong. Kids are very creative because they are not afraid of making mistakes or what other people think.

Sir Robinson says if you are not prepared to be wrong you will never come up with anything original. As you get older and more aware, I know that I started to care what other people thought and was scared of being wrong in a classroom in front of other people. I worried about what other people were going to say about my work. I think that this is what we need to change. Children do not need to be afraid to express how they feel and be creative. Being creative is a wonderful blessing. Sir Robinson believes that kids grow out of creativity because of this reason. Also another great point he has is that a lot of kids are not allowed to become a rock star or be an artist because they will not make enough money or maybe will not succeed and cannot find a job.

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