Friday, September 11, 2009

Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today

I thought that this video was really good because it talked about some of the struggles we go through as college students. College is expensive, hard, and time consuming, but it is supposed to be hard and time consuming to get a college degree. This is my first semester back to college in two years and it has actually been a wonderful experience. I love all of my classes and my classmates, but I do have an extreme amount of homework in each class and I am trying to work part time. I work probably 38 hours a week so it is like a full time job, oh yeah and I also have a 2 year old!
My teachers are great, and most all of my teachers know my name. I am in specialized classes so the class size is going to be smaller. My books were very expensive but what has really been the most expensive for me is the fee's I have had to pay to take a couple of tests to apply for candidacy. It is rediculous! I really enjoy coming to school everyday, I have learned to take only a few classes in a row so I do not get burnt out over a long time period. I do own a laptop but I do not bring it to class, but I can do facebook on my phone. I do play on my phone sometimes in class, but I try not to. I could only add good things to the movie because I am having a good time, it gets me out of work and I enjoy anything besides going to work.

1 comment:

  1. Fees, fees, fees! Why do we have textbooks anymore? Do we really need them? Can't we find all the information we need on the internet?

    Glad you are back in school. But you can expect it to take a lot of time. Class time plus 2.5 - 3 times the class time!
