Saturday, September 5, 2009

Should all Teachers be Technologically Literate?

I think this podcast was very good. It would be great if they had opposing views on the podcast and maybe a teacher that is tech savvy and one that was not to talk about why or why not they want to use technology in the classroom. I think it is very important for teachers to be technologically literate. I think it is great that everyone introduces themselves and tells a little bit about themselves and their major. I think it great that they site everything and say where this question kind of originated from. I think that resources are important because some schools do not have the same resources as others. They need to have the equipment and if the schools cannot provide it they said in the podcast where you could find it. I think this blog is great because they are having a discussion about it, and they all have great points. I like this podcast much better than the other one I just listened to because they have different views and they are voicing their opinions and it is very interesting. I like it how one person expressed the opinion that if you are not technologically literate you will not survive as a teacher which I think could be true. I like how they are stating their arguments and then discussing them. You just have to be creative in the classroom and I think keeping up with technology is very important. I actually really enjoyed this podcast.

1 comment:

  1. Good post. Glad you liked the videocast. My suggestions: be prepared, everyone participate enthusiastically, look at the camera. That is where your audience is!
