Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Networked Student

Wendy Drexler image
I just finished watching a video on YouTube, actually it is a YouTube video that I watched on one of Dr. Strange's blog, called The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler. It is basically about a student that sets up a great personal learning network and learns all kinds of new information and meets some experts in field. In the video they ask the question "Why does he even need a teacher?” They are asking this question because most of the student’s class is online and he is getting all of his information from the internet and his personal learning network. Who do you think gave him the assignment to set up the learning network in the first place? Just Kidding! The video ends by saying all of these wonderful things about his teacher and why he needs one.
I think this is great for students to have their own learning network. This is my first semester back at school after a couple of years and my first semester ever to make friends in my classes and have my own little personal network for each class. I think it would be great for my students to have a personal network but I know I am not ready to teach someone how to do this, I am still learning about the internet and all it is capable of. I want to be able to teach this to my students but I feel like I have a lot of learning to do as far as being able to incorporate this into my class.
EDM 310 has taught me that I want to incorporate all the technology I can into a classroom and I do not want to stop learning once this class is over. I think that if I continue to learn and build my personal learning network once this class is over and keep building and learning even after I graduate I will absolutely try to teach my students how to network and use technology to their benefit.
Click here for link to Networked Student video.

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Continue to learn. Continue to build your own PLN. And teach your students. Worthy objectives!
